
Looking Perfect on the Big Day

Susan Whicker is an expert on getting brides to look their best on their wedding days. She has a variety of therapies that will make your skin look flawless and give you an energy boost. You can get a better look at the offerings and testimonials from some of her clients at Susan was kind enough to offer some of her tips for brides:

1. Is there anything a bride can do the days leading up to her wedding to ensure perfect skin on her wedding day?

Absolutely! The beginning of detailed planning for the big day is a good time for a bride to seek the counsel of an experienced skin expert so a plan tailored to her specific needs can be created. Weddings are exciting and the planning of one can be a lot of fun, but even happy stress can often manifest in the form of breakouts and I can help manage them. Ideally, 4 to 6 months prior to the wedding is the perfect time frame to begin a regular skin workout routine with proper home care and professional skin treatments to achieve a bride's most radiant skin. However, a bride would begin her plan of action even sooner if she happens to have more serious skin issues to address such as acne, scarring, uneven pigmentation, etc. I take a whole body approach to each client; therefore, nutritional, mental and physical aspects are all addressed when devising an individualized plan so my brides can feel confidant in the skin they're in when they walk down the aisle.

2. For brides that want a nice glow on their wedding days, do you have any products that you recommend they use?

I firmly believe that proper home-care is where that "glow" begins as healthy skin is going to have a natural, dewiness that people often try to mimic through the use of make-up. But why fake it if you can make it! I'm happy to say that nowadays people are becoming more aware of the dangers of UV light and are choosing safer means of achieving that sun-kissed look. In addition to proper home care and regular professional treatments, I encourage my brides to use Lindsay Carroll of BronzedBerry Organic Spray Tanning along with Jane Iredale pure mineral bronzers to achieve that radiant, bronzed hue.

3. Any tips to keep the face looking clean and fresh throughout the night?

Brides tend to have more make-up applied on their wedding day than any other normal make-up wearing day due to photos. That clean and fresh look starts with proper home care and it's use weeks before that joyous day, but I do actually have a secret weapon... Jane Iredale Skin Care Make-Up. More specifically Jane Iredale's primer and oil control product, Absence. Did you know that oil is the primary culprit of color change in make-up? Absence actually helps control over-active oil gland, conceals larger pores and prepares the skin for make-up application leaving behind a sheer, color-free finish. Jane Iredale make-up is a skin care make-up line because it actually benefits and protects the skin through the use of purified minerals. It's safe to use on skin that's being treated and can be used on the most sensitive, reactive skin types. In particular, I love that Jane Iredale products allow for your natural beauty to shine through rather than applying a whole new face through the use of make-up. The lasting power of correctly applied Jane Iredale products is beyond compare and I love that I can't even feel it on my skin!

Every girl wants to look perfect on her wedding day and an expert like Susan can make it happen. She even offers therapies for men so you and your husband-to-be can go together!

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